/Inglês (Federal Revenue and State Treasury Office) Parte 1

Inglês (Federal Revenue and State Treasury Office) Parte 1


Adiante, temos um texto em inglês para treinamento de leitura e tradução.

O texto traz informações sobre a Receita Federal e sobre a Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional.

Para não ficar muito cansativo, vou trabalhar com você a tradução livre do texto em 3 (três) partes. Hoje, veremos a primeira parte. As outras duas partes, veremos nas próximas postagens.


(1) tente ler o texto e fazer a tradução. A tradução pode ser feita num caderno, gravação no celular, digitado no computador, etc.

(2) compare sua tradução com a tradução livre.

(3) anote as palavras que não conseguiu entender/traduzir.

Prof. Adinoél

Instagram: @adinoel.sebastiao


Federal Revenue and State Treasury Office

There are two agencies subjected to the authority of the Ministry of Finance in Brazil: the Federal Revenue and the State Treasury Office. Both of them are important in the country and this article demonstrates their respective roles.

In Brazil, the Ministério da Fazenda, which is the Ministry of Finance, must formulate and implement the national economic policy. To administrate the Brazilian finances, the Ministry created the State Treasury Office, and for the fiscal administration, the Federal Revenue know in Portuguese as Receita Federal.

Both are governmental entities subject to the oversight of the Ministry, but with different roles. The State Treasury Office is in charge of the financial administration and federal accountability, the Federal Revenue’s main function is to administrate federal taxes and enforce customs regulations.

State Treasury Office

The National Treasury is responsible for the management and usage of financial resources of the federal government. Such resources are derived principally from taxes paid by citizens collected by the Federal Revenue that are transferred to the State Treasury Office.

Headquartered in Brasilia, the agency administers programs for financial reorganization of states and municipalities and controls the Brazilian public debt.

Federal Revenue Office

The Federal Revenue Office of Brazil is a government body responsible for the administration of taxes levied by Brazilian State, including social security, and those levied on foreign trade. It also administrates a significant part of the Brazilian social contributions and subsidizes the federal executive branch by formulating tax policies.

Competencies of the Federal Revenue

The Federal Revenue Office prevents and combats tax evasion, smuggling, embezzlement, piracy, trade fraud, trafficking of drugs and animals and other unlawful acts related to international trade.

According to Federal Revenue Office web page, the government entity’s competencies are:

Administration of internal and foreign trade taxes.

Management and implementation of activities of collection, launching, administrative charging, monitoring, fiscal research and investigation, and tax control.

Management and implementation of management services, supervision and customs control.

Repression against smuggling and embezzlement.

Preparation and trial of administrative lawsuits of determination and demand for tax credits of the union.

Interpretation, application and development of proposals for the improvement of tax and customs federal legislation.

Subsidy for the formulation of tax and customs policies.

Subsidy for the elaboration of income and tax benefits budgets of Brazil.

Interaction with citizens through various service channels, by attendance or at distance.

Policy formulation and management of economic and fiscal information.

Promotion of integration with public and private bodies, through agreements for the exchange of information, methods and techniques of fiscal action and for the rationalization of activities.

Role in international cooperation, negotiation and implementation of international agreements on tax and customs.

Taxes Collected by the Federal Revenue

The taxes collected by the Federal Revenue Office are:

Cide Fuel



Social security contributions

Import Tax (II)

Income Tax (IR)

Tax Over Financial Operations (IOF)

Tax Over Industrialized Products (IPI)

Territorial Rural Tax (ITR)


Simples Nacional.

Documents Issued by the Federal Revenue

The Federal Revenue Office is also responsible for the issuance of two important documents in Brazil:

Cadastro de Pessoa Física, commonly known as CPF, which is the tax payer identification number of a person.

Cadastro Nacional Pessoa Jurídica, commonly known as the CNPJ, which is the tax payer identification of a legal entity.

Fonte: http://thebrazilbusiness.com/article/federal-revenue-and-state-treasury-office (adaptado)


Federal Revenue and State Treasury Office

[Federal Receita e Estado Tesouro Escritório]

Receita Federal e Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional


There are two agencies subjected to the authority of the Ministry of Finance in Brazil: the Federal Revenue and the State Treasury Office. Both of them are important in the country and this article demonstrates their respective roles.

[Háthere are dois agências sujeito para o/a autoridade de o/a Ministro de Finanças em Brasil: o/a Federal Receita e o/a Estado Tesouro Escritório. Ambos de eles são importante em o/a país e este artigo demonstra seu/dele respectivo papéis.]

Há duas agências sujeitas à autoridade do Ministro da Fazenda no Brasil: a Receita Federal e a Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional. Ambas são importantes para o país e este artigo demonstra seus respectivos papéis.


In Brazil, the Ministério da Fazenda, which is the Ministry of Finance, must formulate and implement the national economic policy. To administrate the Brazilian finances, the Ministry created the State Treasury Office, and for the fiscal administration, the Federal Revenue know in Portuguese as Receita Federal.

[Em Brasil, o/a Ministério da Fazenda, que/o que/o qual é o/a Ministro de Finanças, deve formular e implementar o/a nacional econômico política. Para administrar o/a Brasileiro Finanças, o/a Ministro criou o/a Estado Tesouro Escritório, e por/para o/a fiscal administração, o/a Federal Receita conhecer em Português como Receita Federal.]

No Brasil, o Ministro da Fazenda, que é o Ministério da Fazenda, deve formular e implementar a política econômica nacional. Para administrar as finanças do Brasil, o Ministério criou a Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional, e para a administração fiscal (tributária), a Receita Federal conhecida em Português como Receita Federal.


Both are governmental entities subject to the oversight of the Ministry, but with different roles. The State Treasury Office is in charge of the financial administration and federal accountability, the Federal Revenue’s main function is to administrate federal taxes and enforce customs regulations.

[Ambos são governamental entidades sujeito para o/a supervisão de o/a Ministério/Ministro, mas com diferentes papéis. O/A Estado Tesouro Escritório é em cargo/encargo/preço/acusação de o/a financeiro administração e federal responsabilidade/contabilidade, o/a Federal Receita principal função é para administrar federal taxas/tributos e aplicar/impor/executar alfândega/aduana regulamentos.]

Ambas são entidades governamentais sujeitas à supervisão do Ministro, mas com papéis diferentes. A Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional é encarregada da administração financeira e da contabilidade federal, a principal função da Receita Federal é administrar os tributos federais e executar os regulamentos aduaneiros.